A Complete Hotel Management System

Simplesoft & Grey Matter Tech have developed a complete Hotel Management System application. It is designed for multiple computers connected via LAN. It houses a whole range of integrated modules including front desk, housekeeping, restaurant management, statistics, and MIS reports. Our innovative Hotel Management System offers you an unmatched flexibility in managing your day-to-day business operations.

Our interactive system enables effective management of Hotel room reservation with multiple rates (individual and corporate alike) to prepare review, MIS, and all formats of sales reports along with a wide range of statistical informatics. This complete Hotel Management System is an asset to Hotel owners in India and abroad.

Some key features of HotelSoft are :

  • Advance Booking using a Booking Calendar
  • Guest Register + Billing
  • Restaurant KOT + Billing
  • Room order KOT + Billing
  • Home food delivery
  • Banquet Booking + Billing
  • Hotel + Restaurant MIS report generation
  • Advance room booking + Change of booking